Saturday, July 12, 2008

Philippine Coffee? The best coffee shop in Dumaguete is the Philippine's finest too...

CAFE ANTONIOCafe Antonio is dubbed by Dumagueteños as the best coffee shop in the city.
Recently a lot of tourists and locals alike have voiced out that the quality of
Philippine Coffee should be parallel with that of Cafe Antonio.

The birth of the Cafe Antonio House Blend Coffee has become the benchmark
of quality of all Philippine Coffee. With this being said, Cafe Antonio is definitely the
best coffee shop in Dumaguete and also in the Philippines.

First things first...

Come and listen for a while,
Come with me to this place,
Take a break and take it easy,
Sweet aroma in the air,
With the warmth of every cup,
And the smile of every friend,
Let love fill your heart,
And brighten up your day,